Version 5 (modified by oliver, 9 years ago) (diff) |
Welcome to Ocean Visuals Documentation
This documentation will give an overview of OV's main user interface, its concepts and features; of the onboard installation and its administration.
- AIS - Automatic Identification System is used to provide information of nearby (to an Observer) vessel information
- Device - a device represents a physicial grouping of Observation Types e.g. a LIDAR which measures: oil pollution, CDOM, water transparency etc.
- Incident - a collection of Observations where a specified Observation Type is out of the normal range(s) for that specified Observation Type
- Observation - a group of measurements for one or several Observation Types at a specific time and location (latitude, longitude)
- Observation Type - a single measurable entity - an instrument / a sensor - providing a scalar value e.g. temperature, oil pollution, water transparency etc.
- Observer - a vessel or a stationary platform carrying one or several Devices for Observation gathering.
Web UI
At the highest level the Web UI functionality at is divided into 2 groups: anonymous users, public data; authenticated users, enhanced data.
Anonymous users have access to the public data and the aggregated statistics of that data.
Authenticated users have access to additional information regarding:
- Private Observers and their Observations
- Maps with an AIS Layer
- Detailed Incident Reports with AIS history
- Device monitoring and management
Onboard Administration
The Onboard installation combines the main Onboard applications for logging and uploading data to Onshore at with a standalone (locally deployed) version of Onshore services that enable to (re)use the same web based user interface (Web UI) from in offline mode.
The official operating system for the Onboard installation is Lubuntu 16.04 LTS. The documenation for Lubuntu can be found at
Install Locations
Attachments (14)
- ov-live-view.png (198.9 KB) - added by oliver 9 years ago.
- ov-live-view-vessel-click.png (216.1 KB) - added by oliver 9 years ago.
- ov-live-view-tracking.png (114.9 KB) - added by oliver 9 years ago.
- ov-stats-oil.png (358.8 KB) - added by oliver 9 years ago.
- ov-stats-cdom.png (466.6 KB) - added by oliver 9 years ago.
- ov-stats-wt.png (455.2 KB) - added by oliver 9 years ago.
- overview.png (437.1 KB) - added by oliver 8 years ago.
- statistics.png (201.8 KB) - added by oliver 8 years ago.
- mshamnen_demo_geofence.png (647.0 KB) - added by oliver 6 years ago.
- mshamnen_demo_incidents.png (483.1 KB) - added by oliver 6 years ago.
- mshamnen_demo_observations.png (380.0 KB) - added by oliver 6 years ago.
- mshamnen_demo_devices.png (80.6 KB) - added by oliver 6 years ago.
- observations.png (265.9 KB) - added by oliver 6 years ago.
- observations_invalid_reading.png (185.3 KB) - added by oliver 6 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip