
Version 4 (modified by oliver, 9 years ago) (diff)


Welcome to Ocean Visuals Documentation

This documentation will give an overview of OV's main user interface, its concepts and features; of the onboard installation and its administration.


  • AIS - Automatic Identification System is used to provide information of nearby (to an Observer) vessel information
  • Device - a device represents a physicial grouping of Observation Types e.g. a LIDAR which measures: oil pollution, CDOM, water transparency etc.
  • Incident - a collection of Observations where a specified Observation Type is out of the normal range(s) for that specified Observation Type
  • Observation - a group of measurements for one or several Observation Types at a specific time and location (latitude, longitude)
  • Observation Type - a single measurable entity - an instrument / a sensor - providing a scalar value e.g. temperature, oil pollution, water transparency etc.
  • Observer - a vessel or a stationary platform carrying one or several Devices for Observation gathering.

Web UI

At the highest level the Web UI functionality at is divided into 2 groups: anonymous users, public data; authenticated users, enhanced data.

Anonymous users have access to the public data and the aggregated statistics of that data.

Authenticated users have access to additional information regarding:

  • Private Observers and their Observations
  • Maps with an AIS Layer
  • Detailed Incident Reports with AIS history
  • Device monitoring and management

Onboard Installation Administration

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