Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of ObservationsView

Aug 28, 2017, 10:48:51 AM (8 years ago)



  • ObservationsView

    v13 v14  
    3636  <area shape="circle" coords="195,588,25" href="#fig1-1-ctrl7" alt="7"> 
    3737  <area shape="circle" coords="811,588,25" href="#fig1-1-ctrl8" alt="8"> 
    38   <area shape="circle" coords="811,275,25" href="#fig1-1-ctrl9" alt="9"> 
    39   <area shape="circle" coords="480,650,25" href="#fig1-1-ctrl10" alt="10"> 
    40   <area shape="circle" coords="693,650,25" href="#fig1-1-ctrl11" alt="11"> 
    4643===== 1. Observer Selection #fig1-1-ctrl1 
    47 By default Observations are split per Observer and an Observer is always selected. 
     44By default Observations are split per Observer and an Observer needs to be 
     45selected to visualize data. 
    4947===== 2. Date Selection (Calendar) #fig1-1-ctrl2 
    5452the selected Observer has Observations on that date. 
    56 ===== 3. Observation Type Selection #fig1-1-ctrl3 
    57 The Observation Type for which data is loaded into the controls below. 
     54===== 3. Track latest record, Format spectrum as CSV #fig1-1-ctrl3 
     55When //Track latest record// checkbox is ticked the spectrum of the last new 
     56Observation is loaded automatically into the [#fig1-1-ctrl4 Raw Spectrum Graph]. 
    59 ===== 4. Auto-update Spectrum, Live Feed Selection #fig1-1-ctrl4 
    60 When //Auto-update spectrum's// checkbox is ticked the spectrum of the last new 
    61 Observation is loaded automatically into the [#fig1-1-ctrl6 Raw Spectrum Graph]. 
     58Also the [#fig1-1-ctrl5 Selected Hour Plot] and [#fig1-1-ctrl7 24h Window] will 
     59start to automatically update themselves as new measurements arrive. 
    63 When //Live feed// checkbox is ticked the [#fig1-1-ctrl7 Selected Hour Plot] 
    64 and [#fig1-1-ctrl10 24h Window] will start to automatically update themselves 
    65 as new measurements arrive. 
     61The //Format spectrum as CSV// allows to save the raw data spectrum of selected 
     62Observation as a CSV file. If no Observation is selected the button is not visible. 
    67 ===== 5. Save Spectrum to CSV #fig1-1-ctrl5 
    68 Allows to save the raw data spectrum of selected Observation as a CSV file. If 
    69 no Observation is selected the button is not visible. 
     64===== 4. Raw Spectrum Graph #fig1-1-ctrl4 
     65The raw data spectrum for the selected Observation Type and Observation. The 
     66spectrum presented on [#fig1-1 Figure 1.1] for Oil Pollution shows a spectrum 
     67pattern when oil was found. 
    71 ===== 6. Raw Spectrum Graph #fig1-1-ctrl6  
    72 The raw data spectrum for the selected Observation Type and Observation. The 
    73 spectrum presented on [#fig1-1 Figure 1.1] for Oil Pollution shows a regular 
    74 spectrum pattern when no oil was found. 
    76 ===== 7. Selected Hour Plot #fig1-1-ctrl7 
     69===== 5. Selected Hour Plot / Single Observation Selector #fig1-1-ctrl5 
    7770The hour plot presents an overview of peaks in the selected hour of the 24 hour 
    7871range corresponding to the date selection in the calendar. 
    80 ===== 8. Single Observation Selector #fig1-1-ctrl8 
    8173The marker for a single selected Observation. The single Observer selection will 
    8274also trigger a data update for the raw data spectrum graph and for the map, showing 
    8375the Observation location. 
    85 ===== 9. Map, Location Visualization #fig1-1-ctrl9 
     77===== 6. Map, Location Visualization #fig1-1-ctrl6 
    8678Location visualization and Observation details on the map. 
    88 ===== 10. 24h Hour Window #fig1-1-ctrl10  
     80===== 7. 24h Hour Window #fig1-1-ctrl7 
    8981The slider window representing the 24 hour range corresponding to a selected date 
    9082in the calendar. 
    92 ===== 11. 1h Slide Window #fig1-1-ctrl11  
     84===== 8. 1h Slide Window #fig1-1-ctrl8 
    9385The one hour slide window in the 24 hour range allowing to move back and forth 
    9486in the 24 hour range. 
    9789==== Figure 1.2 - Observations View - Invalid Observations #fig1-2 #invalid-observations 
    9890The screenshot below shows how invalid Observations are presented on the 
    99 [#fig1-1-ctrl7 Selected Hour Plot] as separate red line-markers of which one is 
    100 annotated with the blue circle labeled 1. 
     91[#fig1-1-ctrl5 Selected Hour Plot] as separate red dot. 
    10293[[Image(observations_invalid_reading.png, nolink)]]