Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of DeploymentPreparation

Oct 19, 2016, 10:18:48 AM (8 years ago)



  • DeploymentPreparation

    v2 v3  
    3131The distance will change due to waves and rocking of the vessel, so deploying the measurement 
    32 device so the lenght of the beam aproaches maximum distance limit should be avoided. The tolerance 
     32device so the length of the beam approaches maximum distance limit should be avoided. The tolerance 
    3333needed depends on the most likely working conditions and should be estimated based on experience.  
    4040== Deployment on a rig ==  
    42 On a rig the position of the Measurement device should be choosen so it's field of view would not be blocked 
    43 by ships or any other obsticle. The laser beam lenght limit is the same as with the deployment 
     42On a rig the position of the Measurement device should be chosen so it's field of view would not be blocked 
     43by ships or any other obstacle. The laser beam length limit is the same as with the deployment 
    4444on a vessel and the change in length due to waves should be taken into account. 
    4545Once the position has been decided please provide a drawing of the railing or 
    5050== Junction Box == 
    52 Junction Box contains electrical and information techology devices that power the Lidar and  
    53 save the measurement results from the Lidar. Junction Box needs to be connected to ships 240V 
     52Junction Box contains electrical and information technology devices that power and  
     53save the measurement results from the Measurement device. Junction Box needs to be connected to ships 240V 
    5454power system and to ships local area network. The Junction Box needs to be indoors since it's 
    55 not wather proof nor climate controlled.  
     55not weather proof nor climate controlled.  
    57 The cable connecting the Junction Box with the Lidar should not be longer than 40 m in order 
    58 to guarantee sadisfactory data transfer reliability. The location for the junction box  
    59 should be picked accordingly. The junction box dimentions are L:50cm W:40cm D:20cm. 
     57The cable connecting the Junction Box with the Measurement device should not be  
     58longer than 40 m in order 
     59to guarantee satisfactory data transfer reliability. The location for the junction box  
     60should be picked accordingly. The junction box dimensions are L:50cm W:40cm D:20cm. 
    6162== Additional information ==